Motorists in Georgia and elsewhere understand they must follow the rules of the road while operating a motor vehicle. Failure to do so could result in a traffic violation. However, some violations are more severe than speeding or rolling through a stop sign. If law enforcement believes that a motorist is under the influence of alcohol, they could face a drunk driving charge.
According to recent reports, a Georgia woman was charged with DUI and two counts of child endangerment. Authorities allegedly received complaints of the 28-year-old woman driving recklessly before turning into the parking lot of a grocery store. Additionally, witnesses claim that she made several attempts to park in a parking space.
The report states that officers observed the woman stumbling as she was being escorted out of the store with her two young children. Apparently, when officers asked if she had anything to drink, she replied that she had two margaritas mixed with tequila roughly two hours prior.
A sobriety test was administered, and after the woman failed it, she was charged with DUI and two counts of child endangerment. It was further reported that officers found a bottle of vodka in the woman’s diaper bag when they attempted to change the diaper of one of the children while they waited for the woman’s sister to take custody of the children.
Facing a DUI charge can mean significant repercussions. Thus, it is imperative for those accused of drunk driving to understand what actions they could take and how best to protect their rights.