The idea of creating a repayment plan to pay off one's debts through bankruptcy may seem like a strange process to a Georgia resident. That is because not everyone is familiar with Chapter 13 bankruptcy. While many people have heard of Chapter 7 bankruptcy and its...
When emotional support dogs attack
In December of last year, a man reported being attacked by an emotional support dog in the parking lot of a store in his community. Just a few weeks ago, a five-year-old girl was mauled by an emotional support dog in an airport terminal. Emotional support dogs are...
What will filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy do to one’s credit?
People may not realize just how much their credit score matters. It can be the determining factor in whether a Georgia resident gets a home or car loan, can make a purchase or qualify for educational assistance. There are many things that can negatively impact one's...
Recognize defenses to drug offenses
Georgia law enforcement officers are trained to make arrests when they encounter illegal substances under the control of individuals. The drug offenses that can result when these encounters are made can impose serious penalties on the lives of those affected. However,...