Georgia is becoming more tolerant toward the use and cultivation of marijuana. But, different local ordinances and enforcement is causing confusion about enforcement of these drug offenses. Under state law, marijuana possession is a misdemeanor and punishment can be...
Marijuana laws and penalties in Georgia
The fully legal use and decriminalization of marijuana is a constant hot topic of debate in public, private and political circles. Among the continental United States, 10 states and the District of Columbia have decriminalized marijuana for medical and recreational...
Sting operation results in three arrests
Georgia, along with other states, takes a strong stance against drug charges. Thus, law enforcement sets up operations specifically geared towards uncovering drug rings or trafficking operations. While even minor possession charges could mean serious penalties, facing...
3 things you probably didn’t know about drug charges
Most people know that drug charges in Georgia aren’t treated lightly. And while many people don’t believe they’d ever get caught with drugs, these charges are easier to press than you might think. Here are three things you probably didn’t know...
Recognize defenses to drug offenses
Georgia law enforcement officers are trained to make arrests when they encounter illegal substances under the control of individuals. The drug offenses that can result when these encounters are made can impose serious penalties on the lives of those affected. However,...
Drones used to drop drugs into prisons
The number of drones on the market has quickly increased as their capabilities have become more and more apparent. Amazon experimented with the technology to make deliveries. The construction industry has used drones to survey sites for potential dangers. But, one use...
The status of marijuana in Georgia
Over the course of the last year, several states have made the news for decriminalizing the possession of small quantities of marijuana for personal use. That means that individuals in those states who are searched by law enforcement officials may not be arrested if...
What is drug paraphernalia?
Drug charges are very serious legal matters and can alter the course of Georgia residents' futures if they are lodged and convictions are secured. Most drug offenses concern the use, possession, sale, or manufacturing of drugs by individuals but another crime exists...
Penalties for drug possession conviction in Georgia
Drugs and illegal substances are classified into different schedules under Georgia law. While substances that are considered extremely likely to be abused and do not have medical purposes are considered Schedule I drugs, substances that may be used to treat medical...