Despite their best intentions, many drivers find that they are running late once they get themselves into their vehicles and head off toward their destinations. As Georgia residents know, the roads and highways of the state are subject to speed limits, and when...
Who can file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Although the term "bankruptcy" may be something that Georgia residents have heard of, not everyone knows exactly what goes into a bankruptcy proceeding. Bankruptcy in any form is a legal process that is only available to those who qualify. This post will look at some...
Can an officer wait to pull over drivers outside of a bar?
It’s not against the law for those who are of age to go out for a drink at the bar. However, since an officer can issue a DUI to someone who is under the legal BAC level of 0.08%, you may feel wary about whether a cop is watching you when you leave to drive...
Legal support may be necessary after a car accident
Most Georgia residents are not prepared to handle the financial, emotional, and legal challenges that come up when they are involved in motor vehicle accidents. While they may consider what they would do if they were faced with an unexpected emergency, they may not...
Can you receive a DUI if your BAC is below the legal limit?
Summer is here and that means that people in Georgia will be going to the beach, going to parties or enjoying a much-deserved vacation. In any of these occasions, a person may have a beer or two. However, it is important to note that doing so could constitute a crime,...