Auto accidents have a major impact on the safety and well-being of drivers all across Georgia. Many motorists might not fully realize the threat of car crashes on Georgia roads until numbers enter the picture.
By examining key statistics, you can gain insight into the gravity of the situation and do your part to make driving a little safer for everyone.
Leading causes of injury and hospitalizations
The Georgia Department of Public Health reports that motor vehicle crashes were the second leading cause of injury deaths and the second leading cause of hospitalizations and emergency room visits throughout Georgia in 2020. This highlights the severity of the issue and the toll that auto accidents take on the healthcare system.
Georgia’s traffic fatality ranking
Other statistics from the same year are equally sobering. A staggering 1,664 traffic fatalities took place in Georgia during 2020 alone. This positions the state with the fourth-highest number of traffic-related deaths in the entire nation.
Factors contributing to the issue
Several factors likely contribute to the prevalence of auto accidents in Georgia. These include distracted driving, impaired driving, speeding and inadequate adherence to traffic rules. As the statistics show, the consequences of these behaviors are severe and far-reaching.
The auto accident statistics from 2020 in Georgia send a clear message. There is an urgent need to prioritize road safety. Through collaborative efforts that involve education, law enforcement and policy changes, Georgia can strive to reduce the impact of auto accidents, making its roads safer for all.